Office Syndrome

Despite the exponential increase of machines and computers in your life, your most important piece of equipment remains your own body. As a businessman or professional, you know that physical breakdown is accompanied with performance breakdown. Mental focus, motivation, creativity, emotional energy, people skills etc. all directly depend on a well functioning, physically fit body.

Unfortunately, just about everyone in today’s workforce is forced to assume stationary and/or asymmetric postures for increasingly long periods of time. As a result, the joints are wrenched out of their proper positions and forced to function under extreme levels of wear. In time. these misaligned postures become permanently incorporated into the body’s musculature, increasing joint wear and intensifying joint pain.

This modern day occupational hazard effects almost everyone, including; lawyers, economists, engineers, computer programmers, dentists, surgeons, salesmen, office workers etc.

What Structural Realignment Therapy offers is the fastest, most efficient method of restoring lasting bio-mechanical efficiency . This is more than just “excercising” – this is bringing your body into proper structural alignment and enabling you to get back to a lifetime of trouble-free sitting, standing, and moving!

Practically all postural deviations can be corrected with the proper excercises, performed in the proper positions, in the proper sequence. By taking part in a Structural Realignment Program, you can become pain free and productive all day long everyday.