The brachial plexus injuries

The brachial plexus innervates the shoulder girdle and upper limb, with contributions from the ventral rami of spinal nerves C5- T1

  • Spinal segment:  C5-C6 (Axillary nerve) innervates deltoid and teres minor muscles; and skin of shoulder
  • Spinal segment: C5-T1 (Radial nerve) innervates extensor muscles: triceps brachi, brachioradialis, extensor carpi radialis, and extensor carpi ulnaris; digital extensors, abductor pollicis; and skin of hte posterolateral surface of the arm
  • Spinal segment: C5-C7 (Musculocutaneous nerve) innervates flexor muscles: biceps brachii, brachialis and coracobrachialis; skin over lateral surface of the forearm
  • Spinal segment: C6-T1 (Median nerve) innervates flexor muscles on the forearm: flexor carpi radialis and palmaris longus; pronator quadratus, pronator teres; digital flexors; skin over anteriolateral surface of the hand
  • Spinal segment C8-T1 (Ulnar nerve) innervates flexor carpi ulnaris; adductor pollicis and small digital muscles; skin over medial surface of the hand.

The bracial plexus injuries can stop signals to and from the brain, preventing the muscles of the arm and hand from work properly. Symtoms may include a limp or paralized arm, lack of muscle control in the arm, hand and wrist, and a lack of sensation in the arm or hand, loss of muscle mass (atrophy)

Some brachial plexus injuries are minor, and can recover with physical therapy. When an injury is unlikely to improve, several surgical techniques can be used to improve the recovery.

After the surgery the patients need physical therapy!

Physical therapists are professionals, who treat patients with brachial plexus injuries. The treatment promotes speacial movement, reduces pain, and restores normal function of the arms, hand and fingers, preventing disability. Rehabilitation begins as soon as the injury is noticed.

Physical therapists at Sulypont Pain and Rehabilitation Clinic recommend daily exercises that help to keep the muscles and joints moving properly.