Joint Pain

Joint pain, occurs when muscles move the bones in ways that violate the body’s design. It is a form of high-priority communication alerting us of danger and encouraging remedial action. Ignoring or dampening pain signals will only allow joint damage to worsen as the fundamental causes are left untreated.

Painful lower backs, shoulders, necks, elbows, wrists, hips, knees, feet and so on are all a result of compromised postural alignment leading to excessive wear within the moving, load-bearing parts of the system. Everytime we turn around, take a step, move our wrist, etc. the deviated joint experiences another micro trauma. Life literally becomes a daily grind as the joint wears down and becomes debilitatingly painful.

The common responses such as massaging, stretching, soaking, rubbing with creams etc. offer temporary symptomatic relief, but underneath the surface the grinding and twisting of misaligned joints continues. The true and lasting solution is to restore the structural alignment and symmetry to the musculo-skeletal system by restoring the core muscle tone of the postural muscles.

Joint Breakdown

If someone is confined to standing or sitting in fixed positions for extended periods of time, two separate destructive process start occurring within the joint.

    First of all, the nourishing/cleansing joint-pump mechanism ceases functioning efficiently. Cell nourishment becomes compromised and cell function becomes sluggish. The structural integrity of the cartilage starts to weaken making it less wear resistant and more susceptible to injury. At the same time the cleansing mechanism within the joint becomes increasingly inefficient. Like rusting hinges and clogging water pipes, waste starts accumulating within the joint itself causing it to become increasingly rigid and painful.
    Secondly, as the postural muscles surrounding the joint start to weaken, they lose the ability to keep the joint in structural and mechanical alignment. Lacking structural stabilizers, the wobbling joint starts tilting, twisting, and grinding down stressed areas on the cartilage surface. The resulting discomfort leads to decreased activity, leading to greater postural muscle weakness leading to increased joint wear and discomfort.

The resulting cycle of increased wear, decreased activity, increased waste build-up sets the stage for chronic joint breakdown.
