The human spine

The human spine is a marvel of engineering. The spinal column has a pyramidal design with the largest vertebrae at the base. Composed of 24 tightly connected vertebrae, each vertebrae offers 4 degrees of movement from the front to the back, providing a column that is both very strong and flexible.

The spinal column is literally a column that rests on the pelvis as its base of support and is kept perpendicular by the cable-like functioning of the surrounding musculature. Should this musculature cause the vertebrae to curve, tilt and/or twist then the stage is set for a host of back problems.

For example, if the surrounding musculature causes a vertebrae to tilt just 4 degree from its proper position, the lower vertebrae experiences a 30% weight increase on the loaded side. Backaches, pinched nerves, herniated discs, etc. are all a result of such vertebral misalignments. Most cases of lumbago and sciatica are due to such pinched nerves emanating from between improperly aligned vertebrae.

Since the spinal column is dependant on the pelvis for its base of support, practically all spinal deviations are really an extension of pelvic deviations. By restoring core structural stability to the pelvis and symmetrical functioning the surrounding musculature, most spinal deviations the problems of the lower, middle, and upper back tend to resolve themselves nicely within a matter of months.