
The Postural Decline Curve

As new parents follow their baby through the stages of physical development, most are amazed at what beautiful sitting and standing postures their children exhibit.



The most overlooked aspect of human health and appearance is posture. Poor posture is not only the root cause for the great majority of joint disorders, but is also a main contributor to an overall poor appearance.


Joint System

Joint Types:

Even though there are more than 180 joints in the body, when it comes to moving you around, they can be broken down into 3 types:

  1. ball and socket joints
  2. hinge joints
  3. multiple joints.

The larger ball and socket joints located at your pelvis and the smaller ball and socket joints of the shoulder comprise your core structure.
The 4 limbs then follow the pattern of a strong but less flexible hinge joint followed by a more flexible multiple joint.


Muscular system

Your body was designed to do much more than just sit and stand. Your skeletal system comes equipped with over 180 joints and 650 muscle groups enabling you to execute an incredible variety of movements. This beautifully designed system of levers and cables provides you with the greatest all around motion machine on earth!


Skeletal System

Bones support the body much the way a steel framework supports a skyscraper, providing support, shape and protection to the organs of the body.


Health Benefits of Swimming

Swimming is a healthy activity that benefits the body and the whole person.

Swimming is a very good sport, that can be continued for a lifetime. It is good for children and for older people too.


Rheumatoid Arthritis

Rheumatoid arthritis is an autoimmune disease (disorder in which the body’s tissues are attached by its own immune system), that causes chronic inflammation of the joints. Rheumatoid arthritis can also cause inflammation of the tissues around the joints, as well as in other organs in the body.

The disease can begin at any age, but it most often starts after 40 years of age.



Osteoporosis is a disease in which bones become fragile and more likely to break. Osteoporosis develops when the piece of new bone formation can not keep up whit the loss of bone.

Osteoporosis is a silent disease. If it not prevented or left untreated, osteoporosis can progress painlessly until a bone breaks ( tipically in the hip, spine, and wrist)


The McKenzie Method

The Mckenzie Method is a system of evaluating and treating spinal disorders that was developed by New Zeland Physioterapist, Robin Mckenzie in the ’60s.

This is an active treatment phylosophy that emphasizes teaching the patient how to manage and treat the pain themselves, how to prevent the pain from occourring again. It is also explained how important posture and their personalized exercise program.


Discus hernia

Anatomy: – the discs betveen the vertebrates allow the spine to flex or bend. Discs also act as shock absorberts. Discs are composed of a tick outer ring of cartilage (annulus fibrosus) and an inner gel-like substance (nucleus pulposus)

Cause: -A disc herniates or rupures when part of the center nucleus pushes trought the outer edge of the disc and back toward the spinal canal. This puts pressure on the nerves. Spinal nerves are very sensitive to even slight amounts of pressure, which can result pain, numbness, tingling, weakness in one or both limb,etc.
